Segment PID: Patient identification
Convert input to a PID segment for HL7 2.3.1. Outputs a character vector of length 1 with input values pipe delimited. Below function definition are helper functions for particular fields: PatientNameComponents, PatientAddressComponents, PhoneNumberComponents
SetID = "",
PatientID = "",
PatientIdentifierList = "",
AlternatePatientIDPID = "",
PatientName = PatientNameComponents(),
MothersMaidenName = "",
DateTimeOfBirth = "",
Sex = "",
PatientAlias = "",
Race = "",
PatientAddress = PatientAddressComponents(),
CountyCode = "",
PhoneNumberHome = PhoneNumberComponents(),
PhoneNumberBusiness = PhoneNumberComponents(),
PrimaryLanguage = "",
MaritalStatus = "",
Religion = "",
PatientAccountNumber = "",
SSNNumberPatient = "",
DriversLicenseNumberPatient = "",
MothersIdentifier = "",
EthnicGroup = "",
BirthPlace = "",
MultipleBirthIndicator = "",
BirthOrder = "",
Citizenship = "",
VeteransMilitaryStatus = "",
Nationality = "",
PatientDeathDateandTime = "",
PatientDeathIndicator = "",
IdentityReliabilityCode = "",
IdentityUnknownIndicator = "",
LastUpdateDateTime = "",
LastUpdateFacility = "",
SpeciesCode = "",
BreedCode = "",
Strain = "",
ProductionClassCode = "",
.version = c("2.3.1", "2.4"),
.FieldSeparator = "|",
.trim = TRUE
- SetID
= "",
- PatientID
= "",
- PatientIdentifierList
= "",
- AlternatePatientIDPID
= "",
- PatientName
= PatientNameComponents(),
- MothersMaidenName
= "",
- DateTimeOfBirth
= "",
- Sex
= "",
- PatientAlias
= "",
- Race
= "",
- PatientAddress
= PatientAddressComponents(),
- CountyCode
= "",
- PhoneNumberHome
= PhoneNumberComponents(),
- PhoneNumberBusiness
= PhoneNumberComponents(),
- PrimaryLanguage
= "",
- MaritalStatus
= "",
- Religion
= "",
- PatientAccountNumber
= "",
- SSNNumberPatient
= "",
- DriversLicenseNumberPatient
= "",
- MothersIdentifier
= "",
- EthnicGroup
= "",
- BirthPlace
= "",
- MultipleBirthIndicator
= "",
- BirthOrder
= "",
- Citizenship
= "",
- VeteransMilitaryStatus
= "",
- Nationality
= "",
- PatientDeathDateandTime
= "",
- PatientDeathIndicator
= "",
- IdentityReliabilityCode
= "",
- IdentityUnknownIndicator
= "",
- LastUpdateDateTime
= "",
- LastUpdateFacility
= "",
- SpeciesCode
= "",
- BreedCode
= "",
- Strain
= "",
- ProductionClassCode
= "",
- .version
= c("2.3.1", "2.4"),
- .FieldSeparator
= '|',
- .trim