Segment PV1: Patient visit
Convert input to a MSH segment for HL7 2.3.1. Outputs a character vector of length 1 with input values pipe delimited. Below function definition are helper functions for particular fields: SendingFacilityComponents, MessageTypeComponents.
SetID = "",
PatientClass = "",
AssignedPatientLocation = "",
AdmissionType = "",
PreadmitNumber = "",
PriorPatientLocation = "",
AttendingDoctor = "",
ReferringDoctor = "",
ConsultingDoctor = "",
HospitalService = "",
TemporaryLocation = "",
PreadmitTestIndicator = "",
ReadmissionIndicator = "",
AdmitSource = "",
AmbulatoryStatus = "",
VIPIndicator = "",
AdmittingDoctor = "",
PatientType = "",
VisitNumber = "",
FinancialClass = "",
ChargePriceIndicator = "",
CourtesyCode = "",
CreditRating = "",
ContractCode = "",
ContractEffectiveDate = "",
ContractAmount = "",
ContractPeriod = "",
InterestCode = "",
TransfertoBadDebtCode = "",
TransfertoBadDebtDate = "",
BadDebtAgencyCode = "",
BadDebtTransferAmount = "",
BadDebtRecoveryAmount = "",
DeleteAccountIndicator = "",
DeleteAccountDate = "",
DischargeDisposition = "",
DischargedtoLocation = "",
DietType = "",
ServicingFacility = "",
BedStatus = "",
AccountStatus = "",
PendingLocation = "",
PriorTemporaryLocation = "",
AdmitDateTime = "",
DischargeDateTime = "",
CurrentPatientBalance = "",
TotalCharges = "",
TotalAdjustments = "",
TotalPayments = "",
AlternateVisitID = "",
VisitIndicator = "",
OtherHealthcareProvider = "",
.FieldSeparator = "|",
.version = c("2.3.1", "2.4"),
.trim = TRUE
- SetID
= "",
- PatientClass
= "",
- AssignedPatientLocation
= "",
- AdmissionType
= "",
- PreadmitNumber
= "",
- PriorPatientLocation
= "",
- AttendingDoctor
= "",
- ReferringDoctor
= "",
- ConsultingDoctor
= "",
- HospitalService
= "",
- TemporaryLocation
= "",
- PreadmitTestIndicator
= "",
- ReadmissionIndicator
= "",
- AdmitSource
= "",
- AmbulatoryStatus
= "",
- VIPIndicator
= "",
- AdmittingDoctor
= "",
- PatientType
= "",
- VisitNumber
= "",
- FinancialClass
= "",
- ChargePriceIndicator
= "",
- CourtesyCode
= "",
- CreditRating
= "",
- ContractCode
= "",
- ContractEffectiveDate
= "",
- ContractAmount
= "",
- ContractPeriod
= "",
- InterestCode
= "",
- TransfertoBadDebtCode
= "",
- TransfertoBadDebtDate
= "",
- BadDebtAgencyCode
= "",
- BadDebtTransferAmount
= "",
- BadDebtRecoveryAmount
= "",
- DeleteAccountIndicator
= "",
- DeleteAccountDate
= "",
- DischargeDisposition
= "",
- DischargedtoLocation
= "",
- DietType
= "",
- ServicingFacility
= "",
- BedStatus
= "",
- AccountStatus
= "",
- PendingLocation
= "",
- PriorTemporaryLocation
= "",
- AdmitDateTime
= "",
- DischargeDateTime
= "",
- CurrentPatientBalance
= "",
- TotalCharges
= "",
- TotalAdjustments
= "",
- TotalPayments
= "",
- AlternateVisitID
= "",
- VisitIndicator
= "",
- OtherHealthcareProvider
= ""
- .FieldSeparator
= '|'
- .version
= c("2.3.1", "2.4")
- .trim