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A list of segment (MSH, PID, etc) and sub-field names (MessageType, PatientIdentifierList, etc). Not exhaustive. Used with add_field_names(), which simply matches by names. Additional list objects are used for repetitive sub-field names, so far: coded_element, extended_telecommunication_number, and new ones included whenever the need arises. Coded Element (CE) field structure






An object of class character of length 6.

An object of class character of length 9.

An object of class list of length 23.


  • coded_element: A list of field names for coded element (CE) fields. Used by segment_names This is a recurring structure used to identify a value in one or possibly two different coding systems, e.g. a lab might transmit the same value in both their local coding and also the universal LOINC standard code. Described further at:

  • extended_telecommunication_number: A list of field names for Extended Telecommunication Number (XTN) fields. Used by segment_names

  • segment_names: The actual list of segment (MSH, PID, etc) and sub-field names (MessageType, PatientIdentifierList, etc), that calls upon other lists described here.