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The goal of MoHReportR is to provide easy to use templates (colours, themes, Rmarkdown) for MoH related work using R.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

MoH colours

moh_colours is a function to return NSW government branding colours. Note: only 10 colours can be chosen and an error will be thrown if more are requested (you can choose the same colour multiple times though).

# show colours and names
moh_colours(show_colours = T)

# Return all colours
#>  [1] "#002664" "#D7153A" "#00ABE6" "#0A7CB9" "#BFBFBF" "#4F4F4F" "#000000"
#>  [8] "#F9BE00" "#FF7F2F" "#752F8A"

# Return first 4 colours
#> [1] "#002664" "#D7153A" "#00ABE6" "#0A7CB9"

# Return colours by name (see show_colours)
moh_colours(c('darkBlue', 'red')) 
#> [1] "#002664" "#D7153A"

# Multiple colours
#> [1] "#002664" "#002664" "#D7153A" "#D7153A"
#> Error in moh_colours(1:11): Selected colour indicies can only be between 1 and 10.

scale_fill_moh and scale_colour_moh can be used with ggplot2. Be vigilant of the number of groups input as there can only be 10.


ggplot(data.frame(names = LETTERS[1:10],
                  vals = rep(1, 10)),
       aes(x = names, y = vals, fill = names)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_moh() +

ggplot(data.frame(names = LETTERS[1:10],
                  vals = rep(1, 10)),
       aes(x = names, y = vals, colour = names)) +
  geom_col(size = 3, fill = 'white') +
  scale_colour_moh() +

# 11 groups
ggplot(data.frame(names = LETTERS[1:11],
                  vals = rep(1, 10)),
       aes(x = names, y = vals, fill = names)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_moh() +
#> Error in data.frame(names = LETTERS[1:11], vals = rep(1, 10)): arguments imply differing number of rows: 11, 10


Age grouping

group_ages(ages = 1:100,
           by = 5,
           max_age = 95)
#>   [1] 0-4   0-4   0-4   0-4   5-9   5-9   5-9   5-9   5-9   10-14 10-14 10-14
#>  [13] 10-14 10-14 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 15-19 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24 20-24
#>  [25] 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 25-29 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 30-34 35-39 35-39
#>  [37] 35-39 35-39 35-39 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 40-44 45-49 45-49 45-49 45-49
#>  [49] 45-49 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 50-54 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 55-59 60-64
#>  [61] 60-64 60-64 60-64 60-64 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 65-69 70-74 70-74 70-74
#>  [73] 70-74 70-74 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 75-79 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84 80-84
#>  [85] 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 85-89 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 90-94 95+   95+  
#>  [97] 95+   95+   95+   95+  
#> 20 Levels: 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 ... 95+
group_ages(ages = 1:100,
           by = 10,
           max_age = 50)
#>   [1] 0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   0-9   10-19 10-19 10-19
#>  [13] 10-19 10-19 10-19 10-19 10-19 10-19 10-19 20-29 20-29 20-29 20-29 20-29
#>  [25] 20-29 20-29 20-29 20-29 20-29 30-39 30-39 30-39 30-39 30-39 30-39 30-39
#>  [37] 30-39 30-39 30-39 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49 40-49
#>  [49] 40-49 50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+  
#>  [61] 50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+  
#>  [73] 50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+  
#>  [85] 50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+   50+  
#>  [97] 50+   50+   50+   50+  
#> Levels: 0-9 10-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+

RMarkdown templates

MoHReportR provides an R markdown template that uses the NSW Government branding styles ( This includes the Montserrat font and a corporate logo.

After installation, you will be able to select MoH templates from the file menu.

File > New File > R Markdown > From Template

This will open a R Markdown template from the MoHReportR package. Knit this document to see the template output.

template screenshot