#> ℹ Loading chartjs4r
We can set the defaults for all chartjs charts in a document using
. The list of chartjs defaults can be found
in the javascript object Chart.defaults
This function alters the Chartjs.defaults inplace, and creating incorrect settings can have undesired side-effects. So be careful!
For example, we can see the borderColor
is a single
value, while font
is a list of options
borderColor: "pink"
font: {
"family": "'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Arial', sans-serif",
"size": 16,
"style": "normal",
"lineHeight": 1.2
Thus we need to pass a similar object if we wish to change them.
will cycle through the parameters provided
and update the Chart.defaults
# font is a list
cjs_defaults(borderColor = 'pink', font = list(size = 16))
Now all of the remaining plots will have pink
chartjs() |>
cjs_add_points(x = 1:10,
y = rnorm(10),
show_line = T)
chartjs() |>
cjs_add_bars(x = letters[1:3],
y = rpois(3, 10))